Hi William,

On Fri, Jun 5, 2009 at 7:15 PM, William Stein<wst...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm writing a Sage "grand tour" worksheet with one section for each of
> the 39 main modules in SAGE_ROOT/devel/sage/sage/.  For each, there is
> a quick summary of what it is about and where it comes from, then a
> short discussion fo where it is going next, followed by a couple of
> examples.  You can see the current version here:
> http://480.sagenb.org/home/pub/45/
> If you have any corrections, additions, etc., to make, please email
> them to me in response to this email. Thanks.  There are still about
> 15 sections left to write.

Here are some corrections/typos:

---> calculus.py

- The file calculs.py makes available function rather than
+ The file calculus.py makes available function rather than

---> multi-year

- MuPAD combinat was a major multiyear effort of nearly a dozen mathematicians.
+ MuPAD combinat was a major multi-year effort of nearly a dozen mathematicians.

---> completely

- the current direction of development is to comletely finish their port
+ the current direction of development is to completely finish their port

---> cryptographic

- include scaled-down versions of standard crytptographic algorithms,
yet provide
+ include scaled-down versions of standard cryptographic algorithms, yet provide

---> real-time

- code for downloading historical and realtime stock quote data from Google
+ code for downloading historical and real-time stock quote data from Google

---> certain

- code for enumerating certains types of graphs efficiently
+ code for enumerating certain types of graphs efficiently

such derivatives
---> such as derivatives

- method version of many symbolic functions, such derivatives, limits,
+ method version of many symbolic functions, such as derivatives, limits,

---> in

- understanding and getting his code ready for inclusion of Sage
+ understanding and getting his code ready for inclusion in Sage

I am
---> Martin Albrecht

- and I am expanding its usefulness for algebraic cryptanalysis by
+ and Martin Albrecht expanding its usefulness for algebraic cryptanalysis by

---> databases

- provides nice interfaces to a numerous Sage database
+ provides nice interfaces to a numerous Sage databases

---> custom-formatted

- making custom-formated Sage databases
+ making custom-formatted Sage databases

is provides
---> provides

- The lattice_polytope.py (by Andrey Novoseltsev) is provides extensive
+ The lattice_polytope.py (by Andrey Novoseltsev) provides extensive

---> Platonic

- Robert's platonic solids which are not
+ Robert's Platonic solids which are not

---> module

- the Sage graphs modules implements a huge amount of
+ the Sage graphs module implements a huge amount of

> A key thing is that each section should be pretty short.  Ideally, I
> would like to be able to go over some polished version of this whole
> thing in two talks (i.e., 100 minutes).
> William

Minh Van Nguyen

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