
now that <> just had been updated
considerably during the last days (I was unsuccessfully chasing a
moving target there), it seems we can at least double again the
information about how to create a spkg (and about how *certainly not*
to do it).

I do thank you for, and I thoroughly appreciate your precise and
concrete criticism! Admittedly, I already knew a few of the points,
but you also brought up some new arguments I never would have thought
of. The one hurting most deeply is about "Keep It Stupid Simple" ---
yep, in its current shape this spkg plainly isn't simple.

thanks for your support!

Allow me to point out some goodies, before going through the not-so-

* infrastructure to cleanly remove an installed spkg from a Sage
install, i.e. the spkg-remove script and most importantly the "one-
click" extlibs-nukeall script:

These were introduced exactly with "bdist" in my mind, and to be able
to deal with "random repos in Sage's devel". If you object to
"$SAGE_ROOT/devel" as a place in the directory tree --- where else to
put it? Extcode? Or maybe Examples? I thought to have found the least
bad place. (And it just can't be moved entirely "out" of the Sage
tree, think of "local/lib", "local/include", ".../site-packages/...")

* Modularized "", there's one of them in each
subdirectory with Cython source code:

Even for the "monolithic" of the Sage core, the current
Python/Cython distutils/setuptools simply do not offer the
functionality we need. This might change in the future, but for now,
one e.g. has to copy over the ".pyx" files with "non-generic" command
infrastructure to site-packages/. And telling distutils, which extra C
sources, libraries, macro definitions and command line options to take
into account, is still quite some problem (think of the ".spyx
pragmas"). Having the "" data in the very directory
where the Cython source code resides, does at least keep those things
close together that do "belong" together.

And now for the not-so-goodies:

* "At the very top-level":

If I would have to redesign the whole thing from scratch, given your
input and my knowledge up to right now, I would go for three different
(but intimately related) spkg packages:

First spkg:        The "pure" C Library

Second spkg:  The Cython Wrapper code (going ultimately into "site-
packages" side-to-side to the sage core code)

Third spkg:      The "Extlibs" infrastructure / scripts (hopefully
some day obsoleted by becoming part of Sage itself)

I'm curious whether one is able to do the "second" spkg using
setuptools/distutils only. This would come as a surprise to me, see my
thoughts about "" above.

* "Every file in src is in the repo --- don't do that":   OK, I won't
do it again

* "This is not KISS": Breaking things down is easier than building
things up, and "KISS" is a valid goal -- I'm working on it

* "spkg-install too big": That's because of the infrastructure for the
"removal of a spkg", and can easily be outsourced

* "patches dir abusal": The clean way is to move the "extlibs" scripts
to their own spkg.

* "No need to add other repos back": I disagree. Personally, I have a
hen-and-egg problem, and need a solution in this very direction. More
precisely, I have some C code (that is not getting younger) of mine
that ultimately, I would like very much to see incorporated in Sage.
However, there is still quite some development work to be done on it.
The Sage infrastructure
does allow me to do this outstanding development work so much faster
and better. Most probably, I simply couldn't get to finish my work
without it. OTOH, in its current shape, my code certainly is not ready
even for a preliminary review (A part of it is on the Web site for
that Bristol conference this year, by the way). So what is to come
first - the hen, or the egg? Maybe I am the only person on this planet
having this problem, but I have the feeling that there are others who
could profit from that "repo framework". Think of it as temporary
crutch, helping more and more code to mature, and to get into Sage.

* "SPKG.txt" What is wrong about "(see also hg log)"? I did rewrite
SPKG.txt several times to get it right and thought to have put all
information needed in it (it does say it requires "a standard Sage
install", which includes Cython). Before we all get even more
frustrated, let's post three or four real-life and "absolutely
positively correct" sample SPKG.txt files in the Wiki.

* "Go improve the documentation": I wanted to do that anyway, but get
out the exampleclib spkg first. It contains a Readme file for every
directory in the spkg, and a line or two out of these will suddenly
find itself being part of a trac ticket patch for some Sage doc.

* William wrote much code that I just copied (e.g. in the build
scripts), he started and invented the Sage infrastructure. And there
has been (I think it's deleted now) somewhere in the documentation the
request to add him to the Copyright holders. I expect William to
answer this question himself, and then do as he tells me.

* "Technically the following is more elegant, but we don't do it yet
(Second message from Michael) ...": Good point! I have to think about

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