  As a Jmol developer and probable user of Sage for my classes, I/we
definitely would like to help.  I've done a little investigating on a
Sage installation on my computer running MacOS 11.4.11.  I can
reproduce the problem, but it is not showing up the way I expect in
the page source generated by the Sage server.  What I see is that not
everything is showing up in the page source in FF.  Is there something
different about the way you package things for FF versus other
browsers?  Here's what I see:

Page source in Safari for a 3-D rendering:
<textarea class="cell_input" rows=6 cols=80
                  id         = 'cell_input_0'
                  onKeyPress = 'return input_keypress(0,event);'
                  onKeyDown  = 'return input_keydown(0,event);'
                  onKeyUp    = 'return input_keyup(0, event);'
                  onBlur     = 'cell_blur(0); return true;'
                  onFocus    = 'cell_focused(this,0); return true;'
               >sage: u, v = var('u,v')
sage: fx = (3+sin(v)+cos(u))*cos(2*v)
sage: fy = (3+sin(v)+cos(u))*sin(2*v)
sage: fz = sin(u)+2*cos(v)
sage: parametric_plot3d([fx, fy, fz], (u, 0, 2*pi), (v, 0, 2*pi),
...   frame=False, color="red")</textarea>
            <a href="javascript:evaluate_cell(0,0)"
class="eval_button" id="eval_button0" alt="Click here or press shift-
return to evaluate">evaluate</a><div id='introspect_div_0'
               <table class="cell_output_box"><tr>
               <td class="cell_number" id="cell_number_0"
               <td class="output_cell"><div
class="cell_div_output_wrap" id="cell_div_output_0"><div
class="cell_output_wrap" id="cell_output_0"></div><div
class="cell_output_nowrap_wrap" id="cell_output_nowrap_0"></div><div
id="cell_output_html_0"><div><script>jmol_applet(500, "/home/admin/2/
cells/0/sage0-size500.jmol?2");</script></div> </div></div></td></tr></

Page source in FF for a 3-D rendering:
<textarea class="cell_input" rows=1 cols=80
                  id         = 'cell_input_0'
                  onKeyPress = 'return input_keypress(0,event);'
                  onKeyDown  = 'return input_keydown(0,event);'
                  onKeyUp    = 'return input_keyup(0, event);'
                  onBlur     = 'cell_blur(0); return true;'
                  onFocus    = 'cell_focused(this,0); return true;'
            <a href="javascript:evaluate_cell(0,0)"
class="eval_button" id="eval_button0" alt="Click here or press shift-
return to evaluate">evaluate</a><div id='introspect_div_0'
               <table class="cell_output_box"><tr>
               <td class="cell_number" id="cell_number_0"

               <td class="output_cell"><div
class="cell_div_output_wrap" id="cell_div_output_0"><div
class="cell_output_wrap" id="cell_output_0"></div><div
class="cell_output_nowrap_wrap" id="cell_output_nowrap_0"></div><div
class="cell_output_html_wrap" id="cell_output_html_0"> </div></div></


Notice that the textarea in FF doesn't seem to contain the text and
the Jmol related code seems to be missing as well.  I wonder if the
server is sending something that FF misinterprets.

I have seen cases where FF does not work with Jmol but Safari does,
but I've only seen it with directly accessing html files locally.  The
problem is that FF passes absolute paths to the data files.  This runs
afoul of the java security system and Jmol is not allowed to load the
data file.  I usually just use Safari instead.  Another way around
this is to use the signed Jmol applet.  I will see if I can force my
copy Sage to do that.  If that works, my suggestion is that the signed
version be included in the Sage distribution.

I will also try using a more recent Jmol release.  Maybe we've fixed
something that is causing this.


On Dec 7, 9:23 pm, "William Stein" <wst...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Sun, Dec 7, 2008 at 7:20 PM, Ronan Paixão <ronanpai...@yahoo.com.br> wrote:
> > Em Dom, 2008-12-07 às 15:55 -0800, D. Monarres escreveu:
> >> The samples on this page work for me.. (the last applet is very slow,
> >> but seems to be functional)
> > For me the first one works fine, the second one doesn't (all black), and
> > the third one only loads a surface like in the beginning of the first
> > one.
> Then I would like to encourage you to complain to thejmoldevelopers
> about this.   The thing is that they are probably the people by far
> best suited to fix this problem.   I think most of the Sage developers
> have no clue what is going on internally withJmol, but thejmol
> developers will likely know a lot.   And definitely feel free to
> mention that you happen to be usingjmolwith Sage, but specifically
> ask about the applet on their website, since that's something they
> will be more likely to be able to easily debug.   When we started
> usingjmolin Sage last December/January (one year ago), thejmol
> developers were really happy to see their work used in a much
> different way than for molecular visualization.
>  -- William

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