On Sep 20, 2008, at 13:31 , mabshoff wrote:

> On Sep 20, 11:12 am, "Justin C. Walker" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi Justin,
>> Although I was able to build 3.1.2 on a (32-bit) 10.5 system, I can't
>> build it on my 64-bit 10.5 system.  I've tried 4 times.  Three, it
>> blew up installing python (_md5 import failed);
> This is a known issue that I thought I fixed by adding a delay before
> doing the install test, but I guess it does not work for you. I plan
> to remove the install test since it causes failures on Cygwin, i.e.
> the dreaded DLL rebase issue. For now you can build Python without
> parallel make and it should work.

Oooh...fixing timing issues with delays is like, oh, I don't know...   
It's late.  I'll forgo the similes...

> Malb also reported problems with numpy+parallel make, but since it
> uses distutils I fail to see how it can blow up. Can you see if not
> parallel make solves the problem for you?

I will try the "-j1" version and report back next week :-}

Thanks for letting me know (being out of the loop is more than a  
Presidential prerogative :-}).


Justin C. Walker, Curmudgeon-At-Large
Institute for the Absorption of Federal Funds
If you're not confused,
You're not paying attention

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