Hi, all, On Sep 16, 2008, at 21:43 , mabshoff wrote:
> > Hello folks, > > after 251 closed tickets here we go. This is rc5/final and likely > identical to the 3.1.2 release. There was an rc4 that never got > publicly announced since it had some Gremlins in it. As far as we know > there are no know build issues and doctest failures (assuming you > don't have Fink or MacPorts in $PATH). Give it a whirl and report any > issue as usual. > > Sources are available at > > http://sage.math.washington.edu/home/mabshoff/release-cycles-3.1.2/ Although I was able to build 3.1.2 on a (32-bit) 10.5 system, I can't build it on my 64-bit 10.5 system. I've tried 4 times. Three, it blew up installing python (_md5 import failed); and once when installing numpy (no module named math). I've put two of the logs in sage.math.washington.edu:~justin/logs as sage-md5.log and sage-numpy.log Since one time it blew up on numpy, the md5 issue seems to be a red herring. To make sure I wasn't having hardware problems, I built both 3.1.2 and 3.1.1 on two different disks. Same results: - 3.1.1 built w/o problems - 3.1.2 build did not complete I also checksummed the tarballs on the two systems to make sure they were the same (they were). Any clues? Justin FWIW: on the 32-bit system (2-core), I built with "-j2"; on the 64-bit system (8-core), "-j6". -- Justin C. Walker, Curmudgeon at Large Director Institute for the Enhancement of the Director's income ----------- -- They said it couldn't be done, but sometimes, it doesn't work out that way. - Casey Stengel -- -- Justin C. Walker, Curmudgeon-At-Large, Director Institute for the Enhancement of the Director's Income -------- The path of least resistance: it's not just for electricity any more. -------- --~--~---------~--~----~------------~-------~--~----~ To post to this group, send email to sage-devel@googlegroups.com To unsubscribe from this group, send email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] For more options, visit this group at http://groups.google.com/group/sage-devel URLs: http://www.sagemath.org -~----------~----~----~----~------~----~------~--~---