On May 9, 3:25 pm, John H Palmieri <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I've posted a patch to the trac server with some documentation changes
> along these lines:
> http://trac.sagemath.org/sage_trac/ticket/3145

Just a question from the uninformed peanut gallery - under 2.10.3 in
the notebook, I get slightly different behavior for
where the show consistently seems to make all symbols the same size,
while view seems to shrink fractions - is this some difference between
$$ $$ and $ $ which might be dealt with in John's patch, or is it a
feature, or anything else?  It also typesets x+y as y+x, interestingly
(related to others threads, I think).  I apologize for using the older
version, that is what I have access to now.

Also, on a related note, should anything happen if one does not have
xdvi installed?  Sort of like show() uses the default .png viewer,
maybe is there a way to use a default .dvi viewer, if such a thing
exists.  This would be the case in OSX if one hasn't installed it via
Fink or some other way (and would one have to open X11 to do so even

- kcrisman
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