Please can we also have real-valued bilinear forms?   Mordell-Weil
lattices (from elliptic curves over number fields) will require
non-rational values.


2008/4/28 Robert Miller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>  SEP
>  Implement Lattices over ZZ, with pairings into QQ or ZZ
>  0. (Maybe) Implement a FreeModule_ZZ_quotient class. This would also
>  allow for constructing abelian groups in the sort of canonical way
>  (something people have been asking for...)
>  1. Implement a LatticeModule class, which will inherit from
>  FreeModule_generic_pid: instances of LatticeModule will inherit an
>  underlying free ZZ module and make use of the optional
>  inner_product_matrix property.
>  This shouldn't just be a free ZZ module with inner product matrix,
>  since we want specific functions for computing the dual lattice, etc.
>  which are more appropriate in a Lattice class.
>   a. Attributes will include
>     - is_euclidean (whether the inner product matrix is symmetric,
>  rather than skew-symmetric)
>     - is_integral (whether the image of the pairing is in ZZ or QQ)
>     - discriminant (the determinant of the matrix [<a_i,a_j>], where
>  {a_i} is a basis for the module).  A lattice is nondegenerate if its
>  discriminant is nonvanishing.
>   b.  Euclidean lattices also have the attributes:
>     - signature
>     - even/odd (whether <a,a> \in 2 ZZ for all a)
>   c. Use L.<a,b> for the pairing induced on module elements by the
>  inner product matrix.
>  2. Implement a SubLatticeModule class, which will inherit from
>  FreeModule_submodule_with_basis_pid and from Lattice, but override
>  L.<a,b> for the inner product.
>    a.  Function is_primitive (a sublattice M of a lattice L is
>  primitive if L/M is a free ZZ-module)
>    b.  Functions to get parent lattice and sublattice as LatticeModule
>  objects.
>  3. Implement a LatticeQuotient class (for now, just full sublattices,
>  i.e., finite quotients).
>   -- Inherit from FreeModule_ZZ_quotient?
>   -- Inherit from AbelianGroup?
>   -- Inherit from nothing?
>  ( The question here is what the underlying structure for a
>  LatticeQuotient should actually be. The important thing is how will
>  someone want to access elements of a LatticeQuotient? )
>    a.  Attributes will include a quadratic_form_matrix with entries
>  defined over QQ/ZZ or QQ/2ZZ
>  4. Create a dual_lattice function for integral euclidean lattices,
>  with optional "embedding" argument
>  5. Implement a dual_quotient function for integral euclidean lattices
>  which returns a LatticeQuotient.
>  6. Implement isomorphism tests for indefinite integral euclidean
>  lattices.
>  -- Robert Miller, Andrey Novoseltsev, Ursula Whitcher
>  >

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