On Wednesday 23 April 2008, John Cremona wrote:
> Thanks, Martin.  I agree with your comments.  All I am really talking
> about here is the time taken to construct the field -- I know that a
> lot more work will be needed to get a really good finite field setup
> in Sage (including arbitrary coercions into extension fields, as
> previously discussed).
> I did already implement my (1)+(2) but it doesn't work, probably
> because I don't know cython.  It's also a bit ugly since the .pyx file
> now has a 340-line assignment which starts
>                 GF2X_irred_tab = ((0), (0),
>                 (1), (1), (1), (2), (1), (1),
>                 (4,3,1), (1), (3), (2), (3), (4,3,1),
>                 (5), (1), (5,3,1), (3), (3), (5,2,1),

Try (0,) instead of (0) to create a tuple with only the zero in it.

So to summarise the strategy is:

1) If a Conway polynomial exists use that (for now)
2) If an element int he GF2X_irred_tab (which should probably be in another 
file) exists, use that
3) search for a tri- or pentanomial with some code similar to the one in blog 


name: Martin Albrecht
_pgp: http://pgp.mit.edu:11371/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0x8EF0DC99
_www: http://www.informatik.uni-bremen.de/~malb

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