There's a serious inefficiency in the construction of finite fields
GF(2^n) in Sage at the moment.
For n<=15 these are constructed of type
sage.rings.finite_field_givaro.FiniteField_givaro, about which I have
nothing to say now;  for n>=16 they have type
sage.rings.finite_field_ntl_gf2e.FiniteField_ntl_gf2e and are
constructed by wrapping the appropriate NTL class.

The problem lies with how the defining polynomial for te field is
chosen: any irreducible poly of degree n over GF(2) will do in

The code in sage/rings/finite_field_ntl_gf2e.pyx chooses random
polynomials of degree n until it finds an irreducible one, the n
passes it (actually its coefficients) to a wrapped NTL constructor.
Two problems:
(1) The random polynomials have expected number of terms n/2, so even
when one is found whcih is irreducuble it is inefficient to work with
(reduction mod f is faster if f is sparse);
(2) Many many trials may be needed before a polynomial is found, so
the constructor can take for ages (eg 15s for n=500, and 314 s for

Some solutions:
(1) Use sparse polynomials only.  These are better to use as defining
polynomials.  Shoup says there are no known n for which there is no
known irreducible trinomial (x^n+x^k+1) or 5-term
(2) In NTL suitable sparse polys are precomputed for n<2048;  we could
copy that list.   (It is called GF2X_irred_tab in GF2XFactring.c in
(3) We could let NTL get the poly for us, using its
BuildSparseIrred() function.

I propose that (3) is best;  I can try to do that but it will be
harder than (1)+(2).  Shall I open a trac for this?  I should be able
to put in a patch based on (1)+(2) very easily.


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