<David Roe suggested that I post this here, as well as having done so on

Sage newbie. here, but long term Mac, etc., user and developer. Did serious
early work with algebraic manipulation system, Macsyma, including doing
internal mods in Lisp for 2D display of math expressions (pre-Latex).
Especially interested in the manifolds package for tensor calculus.

My primary Sage installation is on an old MacBook Pro (2014-vintage, 11,3
model) but running current macOS 15..3.1, patched with OCLP 2.2.0, built
from downloaded binaries. Since I expect to want to inspect and possibly
modify Sage internals, I tried building from source on this machine. Very
frustrating. Despite Dima's excellent repeated help, wasn't able to
successfully complete the build. Encountered a circular set of errors,
dealing with Python and pip versions, certificates, etc., Put the effort on
the back burner pending a better understanding of the issues.

However, using this MacBook Pro with the Parallels Desktop system and a
Ubuntu 22.4 VM, I did complete a from-source build. And installed Ubuntu
24.1 LTS directly on another MacBook Pro (9,3) and a Sage from-source build
there. So now I'm set to explore Sage for my purposes.

But I still want to be able to do a clean build from source on current
macOS versions. Are there developers in this community with similar
interests? I would be interested in collaborating with you on making the
build process on macOS more robust. Feel free to respond to this post or
directly to me to see if there's a practical path forward.

Silicon Valley

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