Dear Martin,

Le dimanche 12 janvier 2025 à 14:25:54 UTC+1, axio… a écrit :

Sorry, I don't understand.

On Sunday, 12 January 2025 at 12:55:26 UTC+1 wrote:

Le vendredi 10 janvier 2025 à 22:36:39 UTC+1, axio… a écrit :

fricas dilog and sage dilog are not the same:

That’s my point. See below. 

sage: fricas(polylog(3, x))
sage: fricas(dilog(x))
dilog(- x + 1)

This deserves a github issue. Fixing the interface is (probably) not that 
hard… Would you mind issuing this ?

I don't understand what you mean with "fixing the interface".  The 
definitions of dilog in FriCAS and SageMath differ:

sage: dilog(1.0)
sage: fricas.dilog(0.0)

(this is pi^2/6)

The translation of dilog done by the interface is (hopefully) correct.  So, 
the only thing that we could do is to change SageMath's definition.

Nope. From what you say follows that Sage’s dilog(x) and Fricas’ dilog(1-x) 
are the *same mathematical object*. Therefore, the Fricas translation of 
Sage’s dilog(<something>) should be dilog(1-<something>). And *vice-versa* 
: the Sage’s translation of Fricas’ dilog(<something>) should be Sage’s 

This can (and should, IMNSHO) be made in the interface.


If I understand correctly, the definition of polylog is the same in FriCAS 
and SageMath.



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