Le vendredi 10 janvier 2025 à 22:36:39 UTC+1, axio…@yahoo.de a écrit :

fricas dilog and sage dilog are not the same:

sage: fricas(polylog(3, x))
sage: fricas(dilog(x))
dilog(- x + 1)

This deserves a github issue. Fixing the interface is (probably) not that 
hard… Would you mind issuing this ?

Note : the problem may be deeper than this :
sage: w0=SR.wild(0) sage: 
integrand.subs(dilog(w0)==dilog(1-w0)).integrate(x, algorithm="fricas").su 
....: bs(dilog(w0)==dilog(1-w0)) integral((dilog(x)^2 - log(-x + 
1)*polylog(3, x))/x, x) 

sage: integrand=(dilog(-x + 1)^2 - log(-x + 1)*polylog(3, x))/x 
sage: fricas(integrand)
- log(- x + 1)polylog(3,x) + dilog(x)
sage: integrate(integrand, x, algorithm="fricas")

integral((dilog(-x + 1)^2 - log(-x + 1)*polylog(3, x))/x, x)

sage: good_integrand = (dilog(x)^2 - log(-x + 1)*polylog(3, x))/x 
sage: fricas(good_integrand)
- log(- x + 1)polylog(3,x) + dilog(- x + 1)
sage: integrate(good_integrand, x, algorithm="fricas")
dilog(x)*polylog(3, x)

sage: fricas("integrand:=(dilog(-x + 1)^2 - log(-x + 1)*polylog(3, x))/x") 
2 - log(- x + 1)polylog(3,x) + dilog(- x + 1) 
-------------------------------------------- x sage: fricas("integrate( 
integrand,x)") dilog(- x + 1)polylog(3,x) sage: fricas("integrate( 
integrand,x)")._sage_() dilog(x)*polylog(3, x) 


On Friday, 10 January 2025 at 21:45:38 UTC+1 dmo...@deductivepress.ca wrote:

The questions "what is the problem? Did I do something wrong?" do not seem 
to be sage development questions, so they should be asked on a different 
forum, such as ask.sagemath.org 

On Friday, January 10, 2025 at 12:50:25 PM UTC-7 Nasser M. Abbasi wrote:

I have installed sagemath 10.5 and also fricas 1.3.11, all using pacman 
package manager on EOS/Arch based linux.

i.e. I did not build sagemath 10.5 from sources. 

I was trying this integration, where it works using Fricas directly, but 
when I use sagemath and give the algorithm as "fricas", it does not return 
the same result as Fricas does standalone. It returns unevaluated.

Since sagemath is now using the system fricas, then why it does not return 
the same result for same input?

                      FriCAS Computer Algebra System  
               Version: FriCAS 1.3.11 built with sbcl 2.4.5 

(1) -> integrand:=(dilog(-x + 1)^2 - log(-x + 1)*polylog(3, x))/x 

(2) -> integrate( integrand,x)

  (2)  dilog(- x + 1)polylog(3,x) 

Now using sagemath

>which sage 
>sage --version 
SageMath version 10.5, Release Date: 2024-12-04 
>which fricas 
>fricas --version 
FriCAS 1.3.11 
based on sbcl 2.4.5 
│ SageMath version 10.5, Release Date: 2024-12-04                    │ 
│ Using Python 3.13.1. Type "help()" for help.                       │ 
sage:  print(fricas.eval(")lisp |$build_version|"))
Value = "FriCAS 1.3.11"

sage: x=var('x')
sage: integrand=(dilog(-x + 1)^2 - log(-x + 1)*polylog(3, x))/x 

sage: integrate(integrand,x,algorithm="fricas") 

integral((dilog(-x + 1)^2 - log(-x + 1)*polylog(3, x))/x, x) 

I checked and Sagemath supports dilog and polylog functions.

So what is the problem? Did I do something wrong? 



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