> something does not work on a 32-bit machine, I thought I could resurrect the 
> ancient one for that purpose -- and that purpose only!

You may try to run 32 bit guest on x86_64 host virtual machine,
probably using qemu/kvm.

I am not sure which virtual machines give good performance in your case.

Most x86_64 native linux include |qemu-system-i386| as a standard package.

So on a decent 64 bit host you may try:

qemu-system-i386 -m 4096 -drive=32bit_drive_file

If this works, you will benefit from the good CPU of the host.

There are frontends to qemu, but you will find the right options on
the man page or on a web search.

There are paranoid solutions to increase security using virtual
machines, e.g. Qubes OS.

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