Though Sage officially supports python 3.9 to python 3.12, in my 
experience, python 3.9 is "too old" and python 3.12 is somewhat "too new", 
in the sense that packages on which sage depends on may not work well with 

So I suggest to try

./configure --with-python=PYTHON3

where PYTHON3 is the path to your favorite python. On my system, I get the 
path by

$ which python3.12
$ which python3.11

I recommend to try first with python3.12 and then with python3.11. If you 
don't have them, you need to first have the python, perhaps by homebrew.

For example,

make distclean
./configure --with-python=/usr/local/bin/python3.12

Sorry that only trial-and-error solution is suggested.

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