On 23 August 2024 06:09:10 BST, Matthias Koeppe <matthiaskoe...@gmail.com> 
>On Thursday, August 22, 2024 at 3:32:16 PM UTC-7 Matthias Koeppe wrote:
>On Thursday, August 22, 2024 at 2:19:36 PM UTC-7 David Roe wrote:
>We are starting this thread for two reasons.
>1. Kwankyu asked for clarity on who can mark comments as off topic.
>2. You marked this comment 
><https://github.com/sagemath/sage/pull/38219#issuecomment-2283629487> as 
>off-topic, which asked for clarification on the action you had just taken 
>removing the disputed label, and then several additional comments on that 
>Since our project is fairly new to github, we have not yet developed norms 
>for using its moderation features.  We are starting this thread to discuss 
>such norms with the community.  We made one proposal, but are open to 
>others, which is why we asked for discussion rather than a vote.
>Forgive me for using the Socratic method, but do you understand what the 
>function of this standard GitHub functionality ("mark comment as 
>off-topic") is?
>I'll help: Per 
>"Organization moderators, and anyone with write access to a repository, can 
>hide comments on issues, pull requests, and commits.
>If a comment is off-topic, outdated, or resolved, you may want to hide a 
>comment to keep a discussion focused or make a pull request easier to 
>navigate and review. Hidden comments are minimized but people with read 
>access to the repository can expand them."
>You will note that the reasons for hiding comments as off-topic, outdated, 
>or resolved are entirely practical.
>It has nothing to do with "conduct".
>It's therefore in the realm of Maintainer actions and outside of the narrow 
>charge of the CoC committee.

Note that hiding comments, as off-topic, or whatever, can constitute misconduct.

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