I fully agree with the proposed policy.  It appears to me that there is no 
consensus among the dozen or so contributurs in what is considered off 
topic or offensive.  Therefore, I would hope that such a policy reduces 

If possible (and the policy is adopted), it might be extra-nice if the code 
of conduct committee would also contact the author of the comment which is 
marked as off topic.  In the case at hand, I would not know how to clarify 
the situation in a friendly way other than the way I tried.  Before the 
comment was marked as off topic, I thought that asking on sage-devel would 
not be friendly, and asking privately (by looking up Matthias' email) would 
be intrusive.  So, in an ideal world, maybe the code of conduct committee 
could in such a case suggest a different way / venue to proceed.  I realize 
that this is asking for a lot.

Best wishes,


On Thursday 22 August 2024 at 23:19:36 UTC+2 David Roe wrote:

> We are starting this thread for two reasons.
> 1. Kwankyu asked for clarity on who can mark comments as off topic.
> 2. You marked this comment 
> <https://github.com/sagemath/sage/pull/38219#issuecomment-2283629487> as 
> off-topic, which asked for clarification on the action you had just taken 
> removing the disputed label, and then several additional comments on that 
> PR.
> Since our project is fairly new to github, we have not yet developed norms 
> for using its moderation features.  We are starting this thread to discuss 
> such norms with the community.  We made one proposal, but are open to 
> others, which is why we asked for discussion rather than a vote.
> David
> On Thu, Aug 22, 2024 at 2:32 PM Matthias Koeppe <matthia...@gmail.com> 
> wrote:
>> On Thursday, August 22, 2024 at 11:08:48 AM UTC-7 John H Palmieri wrote:
>> This message comes from the Code of Conduct Committee, in response to a 
>> question 
>> from Kwankyu 
>> <https://groups.google.com/g/sage-devel/c/N1THlmVDm-w/m/mZY1aEOBCAAJ> 
>> (labeled A1 in his message) about the authority to mark a comment as off 
>> topic, and more generally about hiding comments.
>> Proposed policy regarding hiding comments on GitHub: except for marking 
>> and hiding comments as spam, which anyone with appropriate permissions 
>> should do as necessary, the Sage Code of Conduct Committee has the sole 
>> responsibility for hiding comments, marking them off-topic, etc.
>> Discussion?
>> John, you should probably try to explain what problem, if any, you are 
>> trying to solve.
>> -- 
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