To answer my own question, I just found:

If # optional or # needs is placed right after the sage: prompt, it is a 
block-scoped tag, which applies to all doctest lines until a blank line is 

On Monday 19 August 2024 at 1:51:29 pm UTC+10 Andrew wrote:

> I am adding some doc-tests to some code that is currently configured as a 
> package. My tests look like:
>     sage: X(...)  # needs my_package
>     sage: Y(...)  # needs my_package
>     sage: Z(...)  # needs my_package
> Is there a way to avoid adding # needs my_package to every line?  Ideally, 
> it should be possible to set this once at the beginning of the file, but it 
> would be an improvement if it was only needed once per test-block. 
> I thought that there was a recent post about this issue, but I couldn't 
> find it. Sorry if I have missed it.
> Andrew

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