I have filed a new issue <https://github.com/sagemath/sage/issues/38529> 
which seems germane to this problem.

Le jeudi 16 septembre 2021 à 14:29:23 UTC+2, Michael Orlitzky a écrit :

> On Thu, 2021-09-16 at 01:28 -0700, Pol del Aguila Pla wrote:
> > How would one go about contributing a fix to this? It should be easy. I 
> > would be happy to try. Could you provide some links on how to do it? 
> The documentation can be found at
>  https://doc.sagemath.org/html/en/developer/
> The biggest hurdle will be learning git, if you're not already familiar
> with it. That can take a few days on its own, but the payoff is worth
> it in my opinion.
> After that, you follow a "normal" git workflow:
> 1. Clone the sage repository
> 2. Create a new branch for your fix
> 3. Fix the bug, and add a doctest for it
> 4. Commit the fix
> 5. Push your branch to the server
> And then the only sage-specific part is,
> 6. Put the name of your branch in the "branch" field on the trac 
> ticket, and change its status to "needs review."
> With that said... there is one tiny complication in this case. We have
> another branch at https://trac.sagemath.org/ticket/32234 that is
> awaiting review and that modifies the code for minimize_constrained.
> It's likely that a fix for your bug would conflict with that change,
> and vice-versa. To avoid that, you can perform an intermediate step,
> 1a. Check out the branch listed in the "branch" field of trac
> ticket 32234.
> That way, you'll be working on top of the code that is already awaiting
> review, and there will be no merge conflict down the road.
> If that's getting too complicated, though, you can just skip it, and
> I'll deal with the merge conflict when it happens. I don't think it
> will be difficult.

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