I marked Martin's message as off-topic because PR discussions are not a 
place for discussions about procedure.

On Tuesday, August 13, 2024 at 2:04:13 AM UTC-7 Martin R wrote:

> I asked a question at https://github.com/sagemath/sage/pull/38219 which 
> was promptly labelled off topic, so I suppose I should ask it here:
> The preceding message on the pull request was:
>     I have removed the improper use of the "disputed" label.
> My question (and comment) was:
>     Why is the use "improper"? Apart from that, it seems to me that 
> removing the disputed label should only be possible with consensus.
> My new question is:
>    Why is my question labelled "off topic"?  Where should labelling issues 
> be discussed.
> I am rather puzzled and quite a bit worried.  I find it hard to deal with 
> this kind of culture of conversation.
> Martin

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