On Monday, July 1, 2024 at 10:41:35 PM UTC+2 Matthias Koeppe wrote:

I share the same skepticism about using GitHub Discussions. 
But Discourse would be a direct replacement for AskBot; it is widely used 
with the same user-facing, not developer-centric, role.

I checked Discourse Group yesterday [https://www.discourse.org/features]. 
It seems to be a nice tool that many persons may like. I see it as a kind 
of sagemath related social network. I believe that people may use it to 
share stuff that they create, etc, maybe also for asking questions. But, it 
does not seem to be a "question based" website as it is currently the case 
for ask.sagemath.org. I am worried that questions asked there will get 
buried in the noise. Also who will care to answer questions on a daily 
basis? I frankly believe that the Karma on ask.sagemath.org works. On ask, 
if I personnaly want more Karma, which I do, I need to be the first to give 
an answer and it needs to be a good answer, etc. I don't feel this will 
happen on discourse.

To summarize, I think Discourse looks great. I think it could be a nice way 
of developing a new community of SageMath users (in the spirit of 
http://planet.sagemath.org/?). But I don't think it may be a replacement 
for ask.sagemath.org or zulip.sagemath.org. Discourse, zulip and ask are 
three different things that are not meant to replace one another.


Sébastien Labbé

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