On Friday 26 April 2024 at 12:29:14 UTC-7 marc....@gmail.com wrote:

There are other issues with viewing local documentation files in a 
browser.  On Ubuntu, Chrome and Firefox are packaged as snaps.  A snap is 
not allowed to read a file:// url which is not in the user's home 
directory.  As long as sage is installed in the user's home directory this 
is not an issue.  But if the documentation is elsewhere then Firefox and 
Chrome will refuse to show it.  Using the cocoserver works around this 
because it is allowed to use a url with the loopback interface as the host 
address.  (I think it is safer to use instead of localhost 
because, in principle, a rogue DNS server would be able to provide any IP 
address as an A record for localhost). 

The most flexible would be to serve it from would be whatever address the 
jupyter server is serving on. That's why it might be easier to get this to 
behave properly as a jupyter extension, because it could even serve it on 
the same port in that case. I guess the OSX app has hardcoded that it 
serves on then? How do you work around port availability there? 
Does coco listen on a separate port from the jupyter server?

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