Another drawback of linking to online documentation is that the online 
documentation is always for the current release version of Sage, not the 
Sage that the user happens to be running,.

I have a suggestion to improve the situation, which is to do what the 
Sage_macOS app does.

The app provides access to a local copy of the documentation stored inside 
the application bundle.  The files are reorganized slightly to remove 
duplication and then compressed with gzip.  The app views the files using 
cocoserver <>, which provides a 
slightly modfiied subclass of Python's ThreadingHTTPServer.  The behavior 
of that server is modified so that it adds a gzip header to any file named 
*.gz.  The browser automatically decompresses gzipped files served with 
such a header.  ("Coco" stands for "compressed content".)

Compressing the documentation reduces the size (of the English 
documentation) from about 600 GB to about 100 GB.

The app also makes some small changes to the files and in sage/repl/ipython_kernel to make jupyter add options to  its 
Help menu for viewing the Sage documentation.

- Marc

On Tuesday, April 9, 2024 at 4:52:23 PM UTC-5 Kwankyu Lee wrote:

> On Wednesday, April 10, 2024 at 1:30:21 AM UTC+9 Denis wrote:
> At some point the help menu in jupyter notebooks started pointing to 
> instead of the locally built documentation. I wouldn't 
> mind having a configuration option not to build the documentation, in which 
> case, of course, this would be expected. However, because the documentation 
> is still built by default, it looks more like a bug than a feature. Any 
> thoughts?
> That was done because jupyterlab help menu does not support loading local 
> documentation. 
> See
> Any idea to improve the situation? 

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