On 23 April 2024 19:13:44 BST, Matthias Koeppe <matthiaskoe...@gmail.com> wrote:
>On Tuesday, April 23, 2024 at 11:06:12 AM UTC-7 Dima Pasechnik wrote:
>On 23 April 2024 18:41:34 BST, Matthias Koeppe <matthia...@gmail.com>
>>*$ git blame src/sage/combinat//designs/block_design.py*
>>fdbe7f7e3348 (Matthias Koeppe 2023-07-12 10:53:08 -0700 65)
>>lazy_import('sage.libs.gap.libgap', 'libgap')
>>fdbe7f7e3348 (Matthias Koeppe 2023-07-12 10:53:08 -0700 66)
>>lazy_import('sage.matrix.matrix_space', 'MatrixSpace')
>>fdbe7f7e3348 (Matthias Koeppe 2023-07-12 10:53:08 -0700 67)
>>lazy_import('sage.modules.free_module', 'VectorSpace')
>>fdbe7f7e3348 (Matthias Koeppe 2023-07-12 10:53:08 -0700 68)
>>What you see there is the result of work in the modularization project,
>>using one of the techniques documented
>>("Reducing module-level run-time dependencies:") to reduce dependencies or
>>to make dependencies milder.
>The problem is that without these imports, lazy or not, this module is
>basically useless.
>That's correct, but that's not a "problem".
It is a problem, because such a module doesn't do what is says on the label.
Basically such a module is a semi-random part of sagelib, and it would not be
fully functional until one installs a good chunk, probably well over half, of
I am not saying it is totally useless, this sort of partition, but I don't see
the point of distributing such pieces, as Python wheels, as something useful
on their own.
Application builders - who, according to Marc, are the only ones to get
benefits from this design - can just as well build the needed part of sagelib
from source, they don't need these barely useful wheels.
>It's part of a deliberate design, explained in detail in my 2023-06
>sage-devel posts.
>From "*Modularization project: IV. The rules*"
>*3.* Distribution packages declare build dependencies and runtime
> (on
>other Python distribution packages). These two can be entirely unrelated to
>each other. In addition to the runtime dependencies, it is possible to
>declare extra dependencies – either those necessary for running tests
> or
>for providing advertised
>But there is no such thing as an "optional build dependency" or
>"conditional compilation". The set of modules that form a distribution
>package is static. There is no place in the name (or metadata) of a wheel
>package that could indicate different "configurations".
>*4. *As a result of 3, it is possible to create distributions that contain
>some modules that cannot be imported because some of their dependencies are
>missing. That's OK; they can become importable simply by the presence of
>other distributions, in particular those declared as extra dependencies.
>All of this is discovered at the time of importing a module; there is no
>ahead-of-time linking step of any sort.
>From "*Modularization project: V. The blocs*"
>*We should not attempt to define a distribution package for every possible
>community or subfield of mathematics that Sage supports.*
>The proposed design instead introduces 3 types of distribution packages:
>Each of the distribution packages can define a list of extras (nicknames
>for sets of other distribution packages that provide additional advertised
>features). When using pip to install a distribution, users can use square
>bracket notation to add (adjoin?) these extras.
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