There is a bug in the implementation of quadratic_defect function. It 
persists over a number of versions of Sage. I have Sage 9.5 and 10.3 beta 4 
installed, and the bug is in both versions. Here is a minimal example:
Qx.<x> = QQ[] 
K.<t> = NumberField(x^10 - x^8 - 2*x^7 - x^6 + 2*x^5 + 2*x^4 - x^2 + 1) 
p = K.prime_factors(2)[0] 
pi = K.uniformizer(p) 
a = 1 + pi^3 

This will throw an exception TypeError: Cannot convert non-integral float 
to integer

The problem is with the following line in the main loop of this routine:
s = self(q((a - 1) / pi**w)**(1/2)) 

To make the code work it should be replaced with something like this:
s = self( F.lift((q((a - 1) / pi**w)).sqrt()) ) 

Best regards, 

P.S. Besides, if someone decides to correct this function as explained 
above, I would also suggest to replace the code
# compute uniformizer pi 
for g in p.gens(): 
    if g.valuation(p) == 1: 
        pi = g 

with just 
# compute uniformizer pi 
pi = K.uniformizer(p)

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