... we have a gap between the reference manual (which is extensive but has 
no flow) and the thematic tutorials (which are written to tell a story but 
are just introductions). 

 I agree. 

- It is very hard to find features and learn how to use them for a subject 
that I am not already familiar with (and also hard with a subject I am 
familiar with).
- Except the reference manual, all docs are more or less outdated, and no 
one is updating them.

I think the reference manual and the thematic tutorials should be combined. 
Each chapter of the reference manual of a subject or theme should have an 
introductory tutorial that explains major features Sage provides in the 
subject and how to use them. The chapter should be updated whenever a major 
feature is added to the subject.

I don't think we can find a "technical writer" to do the work outside of 
the sage community. Subject experts or major contributors to the subject 
would be the best technical writers to do the work. The fund may be used to 
support them to devote their time for the work.

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