On Saturday, March 9, 2024 at 2:13:06 PM UTC-8 Matthias Koeppe wrote:

SageMath could benefit from hiring a technical writer for a project to 
improve the Sage documentation. Google Season of Docs is a program that 
supports such projects. Some key facts:
- total project budget $5,000 - $15,000 USD (via OpenCollective) - 
- starts April 10 (or May 22 the latest), ends November 22, 2024 - 

Thanks all for sharing your thoughts.

1) Yes, this program is for actual technical writing. We should not try to 
use it for what amounts to programming tasks. I don't think we would be 
successful in getting a project funded that misses this key point!

2) Yes, Dima is right that we would be in charge of finding the person that 
would be hired for this project. 

3) Hence, a perhaps more important question than who would be 
applying/supervising the project is: How would we recruit the "technical 
writer" to be hired in the project? 

4) I think it's important to point out that the "technical writer" does not 
need to hold a certification from the Guild of Technical Writing or 
anything like that. *We could simply be looking for a mathematician who 
wishes to dedicate 6–7 months (part-time) on writing for our project. *This 
could even be based on existing materials such as their lecture notes or 
abandoned book manuscripts.

5) Here's a sketch of a possible GSoD project that I would find very 
valuable for Sage: *Improved integration with upstream/peer projects 
through writing* 
- Technical preparation: Intersphinx for cvxopt, cvxpy, cypari2, cysignals, 
flint, fpylll, gmpy2, ipywidgets, matplotlib, mpmath, networkx, numpy, 
rpy2, scipy, sympy (https://github.com/sagemath/sage/pull/37575, needs 
- Technical preparation: HTML documentation: Show preparsed doctests using 
inline tabs (https://github.com/sagemath/sage/pull/37083, needs review)
- In our SPKG.rst files, explain how SageMath makes use of the package 
- Add badges for GitHub stars of upstream projects 
- Documentation and scripts to direct bug reports to upstream or downstream 
projects (https://github.com/sagemath/sage/issues/37382)
- Broaden the developer's guide to more than just sagelib development: 
Guide people to the best place where they can make their contributions 


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