On Monday 12 February 2024 at 15:58:11 UTC-8 Dima Pasechnik wrote:

What's rotten and decaying - well, the most obvious points are: 

* pynac (memory leaks, bugs, sketchy or no docs, authors left long time 

* commutative algebra, in particular Singular-based (memory leaks, 
bugs, no docs, authors either left or are not willing to look into it 
much), etc. 

* maxima (bugs, bugs, bugs) 

* broken optional packages, e.g. p_group_cohomology 

Each of those components could definitely use attention. However, the skill 
set required to work on those components is quite different from that on 
working on (re)packaging existing, maintained python projects. People 
choose what they work on. I think we have a problem if we don't have anyone 
willing/able to work on pynac or singular or maxima. But I'm not sure this 
has very much to do with people working on (re)packaging other software.

The discussion about whether a sage-the-distribution should exist and how 
it relates to sage-the-library definitely needs to be resolved at some 
point and, whatever decision is made, people need to accept that's the 
consensus and move on until the next time it needs to be reconsidered, but 
I don't think that the resolution of that issue will alleviate the lack of 
maintainers of pynac etc.

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