I second that response. More specifically, what you're running into is:

sage: S.jack(t=t) == S.jack(t='t')

which is indeed within UniqueRepresentation design parameters: returned 
values are cached on construction parameters 't' and '"t"' hash to 
different values. If you need better processing, you'd need to normalize 
the input parameters further before calling the UniqueRepresentation 
constructor. In your case, I think jack.Jack (which is what ends up being 
called) actually does expect a string. Perhaps this keyword should be 
renamed to "names" to comply with uses elsewhere? e.g., would 
R.<t>=S.jack() make sense? If so, then the following should probably be 
made to work:

sage: preparse("R.<t>=S.jack()")
"R = S.jack(names=('t',)); (t,) = R._first_ngens(1)"
On Monday 5 February 2024 at 05:57:40 UTC-8 Martin R wrote:

> At https://github.com/sagemath/sage/pull/37220 I am trying to provide a 
> construction functor for symmetric functions. I am hitting the following 
> bug, which I hope is easy to fix if one knows the right magic:
> sage: P.<t> = QQ[]
> sage: S = SymmetricFunctions(P)
> sage: S.jack().P() == S.jack(t=t).P()
> False
> Can someone help me out?
> Martin

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