The following should show the problem:

sage: from sage.structure.unique_representation import UniqueRepresentation
....: class A(UniqueRepresentation):
....:     def __init__(self, v=1):
....:         self.v = str(v)
....: A() == A()
....: A() is A()
....: A() == A(1)

My understanding is that UniqueRepresentation wraps around the class constructor, such that it returns a unique object if the arguments are exactly the same. You see that in the second check, A() is A(). However, A() and A(1) have different arguments (one is empty, one is [1]), so they return distinct objects.

To fix this, I believe you just have to implement _eq_ or __eq__. For my example, add def __eq__(self, other): return self.v == other.v. (If I am incorrect, others please correct me!)


On 05/02/2024 13:57, 'Martin R' via sage-devel wrote:
At I am trying to provide a construction functor for symmetric functions. I am hitting the following bug, which I hope is easy to fix if one knows the right magic:

sage: P.<t> = QQ[]
sage: S = SymmetricFunctions(P)
sage: S.jack().P() == S.jack(t=t).P()

Can someone help me out?

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