I think, though I'm not sure, that mabshoff has perhaps misunderstood
my points, probably because my post was too long, for which I
apologize.  As I said, this post was very much in the conciliatory
spirit of Jason Grout's original one.  In particular, I was
emphatically not addressing any of the issues raised by Ted, most of
which I am entirely ignorant of, and I am sorry that I implied it
because of the reference to "show me the code", which I referred to
more generally than its actual use in the thread.  (I'm not even sure
what problems there are with the notebook, and if someone wants to
leave Sage because of that, it's their business.)  Similarly with
reference to "victim to its own success", in which I only referenced
things from frustrations I've seen aired on the list, and which I may
have overinterpreted; I was not referring to sage-newbie, because it
was clear what happened there.  The references to "brusque" and
"trivial questions" were intended to be hyperbolic.  Ah, electronic
communication - nothing like it :)

In general I tried very hard to use terms like "many" and "likely",
precisely because I know how many different situations there were, and
wanted to make it clear I was generalizing only in a limited fashion,
but still hoping to raise an important issue.  In fact, I agreed with
most of the (nontechnical) things mabshoff said, though the place I
said that may have gotten obscured.  Sage is definitely healthy,
definitely friendly, definitely catches tons of bugs (which I do
explicitly say), and definitely has the potential to involve lots of
education people beyond what it has - precisely because of the
relatively unified nature of mathematics, which is so immensely

The reason I refer to different roadblocks and things like where
people are employed is because I want that to succeed, and I have been
very proactive in promoting Sage where I can.  I do not see any viable
open-source competitor, and it is neat to read about where Sage also
beats the proprietary competition.  But my main point remains - and I
would welcome suggestions on sage-edu - that there is a difference in
kind between the research environment and the teaching one.

A research mathematician likely has time, resources, and vision for
implementing research-related code *largely on her own* with help from
lists or IRC if determined, and hence will be able to develop the
expertise, and all this falls squarely in her duties.  This isn't
always true, but it is likely, if she is determined.  (Presumably
Jason, as a grad student and postdoc at PhD-granting institutions, is
in this category, and David's expertise is of course long-standing.)

It is also likely that a teaching-focused mathematician has only two
of the three, if he is lucky, and may not get much support from
administration for developing the others, and hence won't be able to,
even if determined.  This isn't always true, but is likely, especially
if he is earnest in devoting attention to the students who would
benefit from Sage in the first place.  (I think my chair is in this
situation, as he's installed Sage on our local server, but has had
difficulty getting octave to play nicely with Sage where he wants it
to.  I have told him to email sage-support more times than I can
count, because there is probably an easy solution, but I think
realistically he just made a choice to not try further as the semester
started.  This is fine - not everyone has to use Sage - but he is also
someone with a lot of experience in mathematical computation and
server administration, so it gives me some pause as to my own ability
to do something significant without guidance.)

I totally hear you on the political aspect of educational grant-
seeking.  Maybe a friend of Sage would have a friend who has been
successful in that arena and could consult or even advocate for Sage?
I see many projects which, while useful, are not just not in the same
league as Sage, but maybe like AA baseball (or Landesliga, for that
matter) compared to the pros, yet which routinely get NSF CCLI grants
and supplements.

Anyway, it's possible that this is really all inherent, which would be
too bad, but sometimes things are like that.  I thought I'd raise it,
though.  If Sage could have even half as many education-focused
developers (which I am sadly not, at least not yet) as it has research
or internals developers, even if they aren't as competent, Sage should
easily be able to surpass the competition in that arena as well.

Thanks as always for a fantastic product, and thanks for the continued
invigorating discussion. (No irony intended!)

- kcrisman
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