Great thanks are due to Jason G. for starting to distill some of the
issues involved in the developments leading to sage-edu in a very
gracious manner. I hope to add, in a similar vein (nothing about APIs,
sorry!), more commentary on some more of the underlying issues, and a
request to the "main development team" (a fluid term in an open source
project) for some suggestions to help the rest of us contribute more

As a relative newcomer to open source, it's been interesting watching
some of the same growing pains and sociological issues that Eric
Raymond (and other more scholarly outside observers) describes so
well.  Particularly interesting is that here it seems to come from the
(fairly atypical?) fact that a significant number of true end users of
a program have been directly involving themselves in development, even
if primarily via feature requests and not as much via code.

I say particularly interesting because the highest profile open source
projects (e.g. Mozilla, Apache) are used by millions of people daily
without any thought to development, and in my grad school days most of
us who used very important ones like Linux and TeX asked someone else
nearby with questions, and never thought to ask a developer for an
enhancement!  I sense a much higher proportion do with Sage.

In addition, with Sage we have a program with developers and end users
with remarkable affinities - to its credit.  It is being used by
scores of people outside the (early) original target audience who are
just expert enough to understand what is going on behind the scenes
and are also excited about the primary use (here, math research), and
yet is being developed by people who largely have some experience and
affinity to those additional uses (here, pedagogical).  This is
largely because, at heart, mathematics is a much more unified
discipline than some others.

However, there is nonetheless a fundamental asymmetry with any
technology between those who know how to use it most profitably and
those without that expertise (e.g. medieval users of Roman numerals
fighting against the introduction of decimals as a "leveling"
influence).  This asymmetry isn't inherently bad if the non-expert is
given the benefits of the technology fairly; in fact, it can promote
efficiency since the non-expert can become expert in something else.
Certainly in a case like Sage, it doesn't stand in the way of bugs/
features that *everyone* wants to catch/use being thought of with
amazing swiftness, because of my above point.

But this asymmetry can become a problem.  Sage seems to have fallen
victim to its own success, for instance in discussions about the cube
root of -1, or in increasing demands on time of the core developers
for what are essentially side issues.  Anyone in academia should be
very sympathetic to time constraints, but the real issue is not that
there isn't enough time, but that a conscious (and reasonable) choice
has been made to focus Sage development on things like modular forms.
However, that leaves the question of how to continue improving the
more pedagogically useful aspects of Sage (e.g., the notebook and
calculus package), which everyone seems to agree is a very good

(Here comes the part where I ask for help.)  I think that most
pedagogical Sage users would like to help in ways that they can, and
most research Sage users really do appreciate being able to make a
quality competitor to "the M's" for teaching purposes at no (monetary)
cost.  So what I am asking for (perhaps on sage-edu, certainly not
here) are concrete suggestions for how that can happen, given several
limiting factors.  I outline some of these limiting factors at length
below, and offer tentative suggestions for some of them.

The bottom line is this; what mechanisms can be put in place now to
help the education community create patches, and eventually
significant code, without needing to constantly divert developers from
the core directions of Sage?  Then a call to "show me the code" (which
Jason already pointed out is eminently unreasonable at this time)
might have a chance to be honored not just in the breach.  If we can
do this, for the first time a totally free option which supports
mathematics in pedagogically sound ways all the way from arithmetic
and geometry to arithmetic geometry will exist, with huge benefits for
anyone who cares about more than one level of mathematics.

- kcrisman

Here Follows A Perhaps Superfluous Long List Of Limiting Factors and
Suggestions Which Might Help Combat Them.

Limiting Factor 1: If research mathematicians and grad students are
pressed for time, many high school teachers and professors at teaching
institutions have been squeezed completely dry before they ever embark
on trying new things like Sage. Sometimes they are actively
discouraged from it, though that hasn't been my experience.  I don't
know that there is much one can do about this, but I put it first
because it directly impacts all the other limiting factors.

Limiting Factor 2: Who is trying out Sage from the education
community?  My sense is that to some extent they are people at
institutions which do not have enough resources to afford site
licenses for the competitors of Sage in the first place.  These
institutions tend to be precisely the ones where teachers are least
able to find time and least likely to already have the experience to
conquer the other factors.  It seems like Sage is starting to
alleviate this somewhat by attracting education people who hear about
it through its research aspect, but there is more work to be done in
finding people who can help and are willing to leave the big boys.
The JMM booth was a huge step in the right direction.

Limiting Factor 3: Many educational would-be developers are not really
sure what is needed to implement that can be done on a step-by-step
basis, other than by finding bugs or comparing with other programs.
This has already been discussed quite a bit elsewhere.  An additional
suggestion would be that a Moore-method style list of functionality,
each step of which could be implemented by someone without a full
grasp of the larger development vision of Sage, could be helpful (e.g.
define some minor class, write these methods for it, interface them
with this other class, add these basic examples, etc.).

(A personal note relevant to this factor and the next is appropriate
here.  I've learned far more programming than I ever dreamed I would
through Sage, and it's been exhilarating.  I would love a list of
theorems like this, similar to the Euler thing someone else mentioned
a while back for learning Python. But there is no way I will be able
to contribute more than here and there *on my own* without radically
restructuring my work load, which would mean getting a different kind
of job, or even not having one at all.  I wish Sage had existed when I
was a grad student!)

Limiting Factor 4: The fundamental technological asymmetry will
persist.  Although people like David Joyner and (now former
developer?) Ted Kosan do have the experience to do so, many of those
fairly interested in education who Sage will want to attract to this
simply will not have anywhere near the background necessary to do real
development without a lot of hand-holding or an intensive course in
things like server interaction and the ins and outs of initialization
and overloading.

A possible solution to this, though a very expensive one, would be to
find funding for a summer Sage Education Days where precisely this
sort of thing could happen, leading to a much more independent
education group.  Others will know more about this, and it's been
mentioned, but it would seem that there is a lot of federal money out
there for helping develop already-tested programs in the educational
context.  Even GeoGebra, a German product, seems to have done so in
this country, and there are lots of far poorer-quality and far more
localized (in geographical use) programs than Sage to have gained such

On a more immediately realistic level, a modest program of regional
weekend events with a small registration fee asked of participants
could attract enough people to be worthwhile as well.

Limiting Factor 5: Not-yet-developers receive mixed signals on how
much support they can expect on sage-support, particularly in terms of
requesting functionality.  Sage has some extent become a victim of its
own success - many of us, especially "early adopters" (pre-slashdot)
got immediate responses on sage-support or to personal emails, and
started relying on that help, rather than switching programs or just
giving up on using a computer mathematics program.  An impartial
observer of that and the huge increase in downloads would have seen
the trouble ahead.

The reason this is a limiting factor to educational developers is
simply frustration of not knowing when it's time to start and when
it's time to ask.  I have absolutely no idea what to do about this;
brusque responses of not having time (or no responses) will turn off
brand-new users as much as answering endless sequences of continuing
trivial questions will turn off long-time developers.  The creation of
sage-edu could be a step in the right direction, or it could be a dead
end.  It doesn't sound like sage-edu folks (if that proves to be a
viable long-term concept) would not be discouraged from asking
continued questions of sage-devel or even contributing to discussions
there, but making this clear is essential to its viability.
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