On Sunday, September 26, 2021 at 1:10:21 PM UTC-7 Nils Bruin wrote:

> On Sunday, 26 September 2021 at 10:44:14 UTC-7 Matthias Koeppe wrote:
>> *3. Break up Cython modules that depend on several C/C++ libraries 
>> simultaneously*
>> An example is sage.matrix.misc, which depends on both flint and mpfr. 
>> This is https://trac.sagemath.org/ticket/32433 (which needs help).
> The particular file you point to looks like it deserves to be 
> restructured, but the way your objective is structured seems definitely 
> flawed. I just wrote a cython module that essentially depends on both the 
> mpfr and the pari libraries (on C-level!). I don't see how that would be 
> broken up and why it would even be bad to link a cython module against 
> several libraries at once.

It's not an objective -- it's a step that is informed by the technical 
*restrictions* of modern Python packaging. The *objective* is separate 
installability of modularized parts of the Sage library as distribution 
packages ("pip-installable packages").
Let me explain the technical restriction: In modern Python packaging (PEP 
517/518), there is no such thing as an optional build dependency: The build 
of a distribution package is completely determined by the declared 
build-system dependencies (in pyproject.toml "build-system requires"). 
There is no mechanism to denote "flavors" of binary wheels of distribution 
packages based on what "optional C/C++ libraries" were available at build 
time. This is why one of the first steps of the modularization project was 
to eliminate the mechanism of "optional extension modules" 
(https://trac.sagemath.org/ticket/29701, merged in Sage 9.2).
Because of this, the design of the modularized parts necessarily has to be 
based on the compile-time dependencies on compiled libraries. 
Of course there are classes and functions that depend on several libraries. 
The goal of 3. is to refactor so that such necessary dependencies do not 
block the separate installability and usability of modules that do not have 
these dependencies on multiple libraries. The distribution packages can of 
course define dependencies ("install-requires"). 
In the ticket list of https://trac.sagemath.org/ticket/29705 I have 
sketched a few possible distributions (modularized parts). The details will 
need attention by developers; finding a good design is not a mechanical 
task, but it will have to take the technical constraints into consideration.


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