On Sunday, 26 September 2021 at 10:44:14 UTC-7 Matthias Koeppe wrote:

> *1. Replace use of "from sage.PAC.KAGE.all import ..." by more specific 
> imports*

I'm not sure whether I'm a fan of the "all" packages (for one thing, they 
make proper use of "lazy_import" a lot harder, but importing lazy_import 
from all will cause exactly the same problem), but does it need to stand in 
the way of modularization? Doesn't it just mean that the "all" package 
needs to do a little magic to discover what its namespace should contain? 
Here I mean with "magic" something that perhaps needs to discover during 
runtime what is available within the relevant "namespace" package.

One big advantage of "all" packages is that you can hide the internal 
module structure of a package with it a little bit, so that the structure 
becomes an implementation detail, not a part of the API specification. I 
think that has served us well in the past on some occasions. I'm not sure 
we want to surrender that option if we don't have to.

> *2. Do not import CLASS just to run an isinstance(..., CLASS); likewise, 
> remove uses of is_CLASS functions*
> Instead, create abstract base classes that can be imported without pulling 
> in the actual implementation classes (
> https://trac.sagemath.org/ticket/32414). I have done this in 
> https://trac.sagemath.org/ticket/32566 for real/complex floating point 
> fields.

Have you considered performance implications of that? It would look to me 
that abstract base classes require more work to determine membership than a 
plain MRO lookup. I think this "rule" probably needs a little more cautious 
formulation. I suspect there may be good reasons to do specific 
isinstance(...,CLASS) tests. Perhaps this is captured in your "...just to 
run...". I'm not sure about performance issues compared to "is_CLASS" 
functions, but clearly banning them should be accompanied by an assessment 
of why their replacement by "isinstance(...)" is not a (performance) 

*3. Break up Cython modules that depend on several C/C++ libraries 
> simultaneously*
> An example is sage.matrix.misc, which depends on both flint and mpfr. This 
> is https://trac.sagemath.org/ticket/32433 (which needs help).

The particular file you point to looks like it deserves to be restructured, 
but the way your objective is structured seems definitely flawed. I just 
wrote a cython module that essentially depends on both the mpfr and the 
pari libraries (on C-level!). I don't see how that would be broken up and 
why it would even be bad to link a cython module against several libraries 
at once.

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