> On 24/09/2021, at 13:12, Matthias Koeppe <matthiaskoe...@gmail.com> wrote:
> c) The use of any Fortran compiler other than homebrew's packaging of
> gfortran on macOS (and our gfortran spkg) is completely unexplored. Given the
> instability of homebrew -- as a rolling platform on which it is not possible
> to install a specific version, it would be reckless to tie ourselves to
> homebrew's gfortran as the only option. (An effort to support macports in
> https://trac.sagemath.org/ticket/31505 is stalled.)
For the nitpick record.
This is not completely unexplored but I haven’t poured any activity there for
months due to “too many things to do and not enough of me to go around”. I
actually actively explored using alternative compiler (c/c++ and fortran).
Apart from sqlite that was detecting intrinsics in a stupid fashion at the
time, sage did build with the intel C/C++ compiler but pari optimisation had to
be turned off completely (pari compiled with -O0 or completely broken - no
sage did build with the pgfortran (now nvfortran compiler) once an issue in
openblas was fixed [I believe my fix made it upstream].
I don’t have a clear memory of the result with the intel fortran compiler, but
I usually remember difficulties so I am going to assume there was none.
Optional packages were not covered in those exercises.
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