> I have not noticed it before, but  *sage-9.2-OSX_10.15.7-x86_64.app.dmg 
> <http://mirrors.mit.edu/sage/osx/intel/sage-9.2-OSX_10.15.7-x86_64.app.dmg> 
> does 
> not work *in macos 10.15.7. !!!!!!
> I do not understand how a sage for macos 10.15.7 that does not works on 
> macos 10.15.7 has been released. 
Unfortunately I don't think we check many of the binaries.  They are "just 
produced"; actually checking they all work can't be automated and can be 
pretty time-consuming (waiting for unpacking etc.).  Thank you for your 
report, the SSL problems on Mac have been legendary.

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