On Sun, 2 Dec 2007 00:27:18 -0800 (PST)
mabshoff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Depending on the strategy we can do two things:
>  * release 2.8.15 late Sunday, maybe merge in ATLAS if it works, then
> do a
>    2.8.16 release with the updated Singular, FLINT 1.0 and PolyBoRi
> toward
>    the end of the week.
>  * release 2.8.15 with Singular and PolyBori, maybe even FLINT 1.0.
> This
>    depends on how much time burcin and malb have this weekend to
> update
>    Singular and provide a PolyBoRi.spkg. PolyBoRi might go in without
>    bindings for now, i.e. to do a toolchain test and see if any
> particular
>    compiler/OS combo causes problems.
> Let me know what your plans are so we can get this release out the
> door smoothly.

I would prefer to wait till 2.8.16 to include PolyBoRi. Did Sage become
GPL3 ready? Since PolyBoRi is GPL3 or later, I suppose at least the
Singular package needs to be updated before it can go in.

There is a package available which builds on all kinds of GNU/Linux
systems and Michael Brickenstein's laptop (OSX 10.4?). :) Here is the
file if anybody wants to try building:


It includes some fixes to PolyBoRi after the 0.1 release, I should
really include a changelog in there. 

The Sage bindings still need work. Quotient ring methods need to be
added to BooleanPolynomialRing, and BooleanPolynomialIdeal should have
the trivial methods implemented. I also need to figure out a better way
of keeping track of a current ring to use for calls to sage wrappers
from polybori python code. I would appreciate comments, suggestions and
sageifications. You can get the latest version of the code from here:



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