A quick remark upfront: This Bug Day rocked! We got a lot accomplished and pretty much merged every mergable patch. Thanks to everybody who participated! We closed roughly 60 tickets, see
http://www.sagetrac.org/sage_trac/query?status=closed&milestone=sage-2.8.15 As it turned out Alpha 2 is loads of fixes and all the prep-work for the ATLAS merge, but ATLAS itself didn't make it yet. The tarball is at http://sage.math.washington.edu/home/mabshoff/sage-2.8.15.alpha2.tar [167 MB] Depending on the strategy we can do two things: * release 2.8.15 late Sunday, maybe merge in ATLAS if it works, then do a 2.8.16 release with the updated Singular, FLINT 1.0 and PolyBoRi toward the end of the week. * release 2.8.15 with Singular and PolyBori, maybe even FLINT 1.0. This depends on how much time burcin and malb have this weekend to update Singular and provide a PolyBoRi.spkg. PolyBoRi might go in without bindings for now, i.e. to do a toolchain test and see if any particular compiler/OS combo causes problems. Let me know what your plans are so we can get this release out the door smoothly. I need to get some sleep now, back in about 8 hours. Cheers, Michael ToDo: * bump scipy version to forcer rebuild on upgrade * investigate Justin's mwrank crashes on 10.5 - wonky hardware? testall is fine on bsd and log is clean - we cannot reproduce this at all. alpha2: Merged: #787: William Stein: quotient spaces of vector spaces #799: Leif Hille, William Stein: fix tachyon bug #962: Mike Hansen: automatic precision extension for long decimal literals does very strange things #1128: David Roe, Robert Bradshaw: Coercion of complex numbers #1160: William Stein: *major* bug in using the sage notebook as a maxima notebook #1179: Robert Miller: change all #!/bin/sh to #!/bin/bash in $SAGE_LOCAL/bin (Solaris related) #1184: Michael Abshoff: OSX 10.4: moving sage breaks recompile -> NTL related #1201: William Stein: add gramm-schmidt to sage #1208: Jaap Spies: Faster _choose in matrix2.py #1211: David Harvey: NTL crash in polynomial remainder over ZZ #1222: Josh Kantor: cvxopt import trouble on PPC OSX 10.4 #1269: Carl Witty: make sage -t --omega work #1275: Carl Witty: implementation of QQbar #1290: Dan Drake, William Stein: add computation of Rencontres numbers #1292: Carl Witty: fix bug in polynomial root finding mod n #1298: Josh Kantor: build lapack on OSX for the ATLAS build #1327: Josh Kantor: Solaris: scipy import error - fortran compiler related #1342: William Stein: very serious bug in number field residue_field #1349: to avoid massive confusion, make the default notebook location $HOME/.sage/notebook #1353: Robert Miller: fix easy bug in graph_database.py #1354: Michael Abshoff: Solaris modp 64 bit fix #1355: Michael Abshoff: numerical noise doctest failures in rings/polynomial/[complex_roots.py|polynomial_element.pyx] #1361: Robert Miller: reimplement graph generation #1364: William Stein: sage/modules/quotient_module.py doctest failure alpha1: Merged: #644: Mike Hansen: fix "(sin + cos)(1) does not work" #1148: David Harvey, Robert Bradshaw: valuation doesn't work for rational numbers #1214: Mike Hansen: error in polynomial ideal membership testing #1249: Robert Miller: fixes bug in graph plotting with partitions #1265: Paul Zimmermann: documentation typos #1279: Martin Abrecht: LLL on "tall" matrices immediately crashes sage #1280: Mike Hansen: make Permutation(range(10)).random() fast instead of dog slow. #1333: William Stein: fix a major inefficiency in floating point square root computation in Sage #1334: David Harvey: Constant polynomial can't be converted to rational #1341: Josh Kantor: add script so that which_fortran returns g95 or gfortran #1350: Mike Hansen: sage-2.8.15.alpha0 doctest error in plot.py #1352: Mike Hansen: doctest error in 2.8.15.alpha0 polynomial_element.pyx alpha0: Merged: #645: Mike Hansen: multi-argument call for symbolic expressions #847: Mike Hansen: rewrite the symbolic calculus package to do evaluation/ simplification without recursion #1107: William Stein: add minkowski bound function for number fields #1111: Mike Hansen: Symbolic equation expand left and right #1134: David Harvey: optimize creating elements of orders and number fields by coercing in lists [I left this ticket open fow now - see comment] #1141: Joel Mohler: improve Number Field elements arithmetic speed #1268: Carl Witty: new version of MPFI.spkg #1270: Carl Witty: implement complex intervals #1273: Carl Witty: implement complex root isolation #1275: Carl Witty: implementation of QQbar #1295: Jason Grout: Added code to create the butterfly graph #1330: Michael Abshoff: Solaris: fix sympy doctest numerical noise #1331: Michael Abshoff: Solaris: fix complex_double doctest numerical noise #1335: Michael Abshoff: Linux PPC: lcalc doctest failure #1336: Michael Abshoff: Linux PPC: rings/polynomial/ polynomial_element.pyx doctest failure #1345: Mike Hansen: I is sometimes wrapped in SymbolicConstant, sometimes not Reviewers: Carl Witty, William Stein, Mike Hansen, Robert Miller, Michael Abshoff, apologies to anybody I forgot. --~--~---------~--~----~------------~-------~--~----~ To post to this group, send email to sage-devel@googlegroups.com To unsubscribe from this group, send email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] For more options, visit this group at http://groups.google.com/group/sage-devel URLs: http://sage.scipy.org/sage/ and http://modular.math.washington.edu/sage/ -~----------~----~----~----~------~----~------~--~---