On 6/12/07, Craig Citro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> hey all,
> so here are three ideas for the sd4 shirt, called flier.pdf,
> flier_plain.pdf, and flier2.pdf in:
> http://sage.math.washington.edu/home/citro/sd4_shirt/
> They're all basic variations on the sagemath.org flier, with the key
> difference being that they're b&w. What do people think?
> I personally like flier2; if Martin came up with a pure B&W version of his
> shirt that was 1-sided, I'd probably want to go with his.

I assume for the t-shirt you just want the top part of the flier?
In that case, all look for great to me! I'll buy 4, all large please.
I assume these are black on white cotton?

> Martin, I've thrown all the .eps files I created in that folder too, so if
> you decide to steal those to save yourself trouble making B&W images, go for
> it.
> Give your opinions quick -- we need to send an image to the printer by noon.
> -cc
>  >

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