On Friday 01 June 2007 10:26, didier deshommes wrote:
> On 6/1/07, Joel B. Mohler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > The main relation of this to the current discussion is that gentoo solves
> > the patch/mainline problem by distributing patch files which are applied
> > on the user's computer before the build of the package in question.
> >  Sometimes there are a large number of patches applied (I don't have a
> > specific example, but I'm pretty sure I've seen as many as 10-15 patches
> > applied before a build.) This way it is very clear to any concerned
> > individual exactly what is coming from upstream (the original package is
> > downloaded as part of the install process), vs. what is coming from the
> > gentoo packagers.
> I'm sure I'm missing something here. Could you elaborate more on how
> gentoo does it to solve the patching problem? If it's just a bunch of
> bash scripts, couldn't we write them ourselves? It seems to me that
> this is basically what spkg-install is doing now.

Portage downloads the upstream package from upstream's website.  It also (if 
there are patches) downloads the patches from gentoo's repositories.  The 
ebuild script which defines the package then patches the unzipped upstream 
package.  The important part is that in the end, I have the original upstream 
tarball in my downloaded files directory.  I also have the gentoo patches in 
my downloaded files directory.

The ebuild file itself which defines the package is essentially a bash script, 
but the portage scripts that call into this bash script know how to build the 
default configure; make; make install sequence.  Therefore, in theory, a 
simple package doesn't have to define much at all in the ebuild.  Of course, 
if you have patches to apply, the ebuild is the code that applies them.

And, yes, you are correct, it's not that much different than what the 
spkg-install is doing.  That's why I point it out.  It seems to me, though, 
that Brian is jumping off from spkg to make a more general package manager.  
I'm just wondering if the more general package manager isn't already made -- 
i.e. portage.


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