Ok I understand. This is not a bug. Save needs more coaching to return
similar to show.  Still it would be nice if the defaults were such
save and show return the same thing if no options are given. Just to
reduce the surprise
(or frustration) factor.


On May 31, 11:24 am, Michel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I am encountering something strange with sage 2.5.3
> sage: E=EllipticCurve([-1,0])
> sage: P=plot(E)
> sage: show(P)
> # result looks fine
> save(P,filename="y^2=x^3-x.png")
> # the saved image shows only the right branch...
> # confirmed with kview and gimp
> I don't even understand how that is possible. I would assume that
> show and save is basically the same code...
> Michel

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