I'll second this, it looks like a very nice package overall. I think  
one of its main strengths is it's seemingly large support for non- 
plot objects. Trees, diagrams, and it's 3d solids package makes it  
very easy to make annotated 3d scenes (like out of a calculus  
textbook) with very little input/tweaking.

I don't think latex dependancy is a show stopper, I'm amazed we've  
got so far without it (thanks to jsmath) but, for example, it would  
be necessary to "print" a worksheet to PDF (nicely) anyway.

It won't solve our need for an interactive 3D system though.

- Robert

On May 30, 2007, at 9:32 AM, David Roe wrote:

> Another reason to add asymptote is to be able to nicely print  
> things like commutative diagrams.  I'm not saying that it's as  
> major, but it would be cool to be able to do so.
> David

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