
I've released sage-2.5.3.  The SAGE Notebook now should feel faster,
there are a number of bug fixes, and I've updated linbox to the most
recent version.

I will post binaries later tonight.  Also, you can (hopefully) upgrade
using the upgrade() command from within SAGE.

        * m albrecht: misc bugfixes
        * r bradshaw (and k kedlaya): finished implementing fast all
sqrt's mod N.
                      bug fixes involving p-adics
        * b moretti (and b harris): numerical_approx method for calculus objects
        * y qiang: fix to expect interface output
        * w stein (and b barker): fix to save_session / load_session command
        * w stein (+ all linbox developers): include svn 2007-05-21 version
               of linbox in SAGE; this has c pernet's fast charpoly / QQ
               and ZZ algorithm.
        * w stein: lots and lots of build fixes to get closer to supporting
               SAGE on solaris.
        * w stein: notebook -- optimizations to make it feel much snappier (!?)

William Stein
Associate Professor of Mathematics
University of Washington

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