As far as I know singular does not have gcd for multivariate polynomials over numberfields (Martin: is this true?) but it seems pari does. Is there a reason why this functionality is not exported to sage (or is it)? I did a bit of timing and it does not seem to be particularly slow.
I tried gp.gcd but I don't understand what it is supposed to do. It seems to be undocumented (I did not look in the source yet). sage: Q=NumberField(t^2+1,'s') sage: s=Q.gen() sage: K=Q['p','q'] sage: p,q=K.gens() sage: gp.gcd((p+s*q)^3,(p+s*q)^5) 1 <== wrong!! I don't know pari, but after some trying I think the equivalent direct command is sage: gp('gcd((p+Mod(s,s^2+1)*q)^5,(p+Mod(s,s^2+1)*q)^3)') p^3 + Mod(3*q*s, s^2 + 1)*p^2 + Mod(-3*q^2, s^2 + 1)*p + Mod(-q^3*s, s^2 + 1) which produces slightly odd but sensible looking output (I tried to coerce it back into K but that didn't work :-() Michel --~--~---------~--~----~------------~-------~--~----~ To post to this group, send email to To unsubscribe from this group, send email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] For more options, visit this group at URLs: and -~----------~----~----~----~------~----~------~--~---