Hello, This is a very preliminary first draft of the Sage Days 4 design document for the next version of notebook. The following people will all be around at SD4 to work on the notebook: W Stein, Tom Boothby, Dorian Ramier, Alex Clemesha, and Yi Qiang.
If you use the notebook, please comment on the following list. You can also make changes at the SD 4 projects wiki page: http://www.sagemath.org:9001/days4/projects 1. Convert the web server so that it uses twisted's multithreaded server (either twisted web like moinmoin or twisted web2). 2. Make it so that the server use https to secure all communications and logins. 3. Figure out precisely why the notebook feels sluggish when running locally on _certain_ platforms. Consider removing features in the interest of speed. Also seriously consider making it so maybe 3 SAGE instances are pre-started by the notebook server when it is fairly idle so that new worksheets appear to starting working immediately. 4. Make it so each user of the notebook has an account on the notebook, and can only see worksheets that are explicitly shared by other users. Worksheet names would internally be prefaced with the user name. 5. Interface issues: 1. Highlighting a block of text and pressing tab indents it four spaces; similarly, pressing shift-tab dedents it four spaces. 2. Uploading a worksheet should not display an empty page. 6. Create a worksheet settings panel; use this to: 1. Set the math software system used to evaluate cells 2. Determine whether pressing shift-enter jumps to the next cell or stays in current one. 3. Determine whether or not the side bar is displayed (the left button wall could still be used to toggle it). 7. Create a notebook settings panel: 1. Whether or not panel is displayed by default 2. Whether shift enter or enter evaluates a cell (Mathematica or Maple mode) 3. Default CAS for new worksheets. 8. Change "slide-show mode" to "single cell mode". Make it so the editor in this mode is a full-fledged code editor. 9. Slide-show mode should flip through slides, which should be well-defined sections of the worksheet. 10. Printing needs to be rewritten as follows: Given a single worksheet, print it by (1) saving it to a latex file with embedded images, and (2) running pdflatex on the result, then return the resulting pdf file and/or a tarball with the images and latex. This would be very high quality, and will also be something that would be easily included in latex documents. Printing a notebook (=all worksheets owned by a given user) would create a document with a section for each notebook. 11.Rewrite saving/loading of worksheets, so it doesn't use pickle. Instead use the ''s text encoding and the images in directories. 12. Finish implementing the html/edit mode: (1) images shouldn't get deleted on saving, (2) inserting new cells shouldn't be broken, and (3) it would be really nice, and probably easy, to have a WYSIWYG html editor mode like the one in moinmoin in which I'm writing this right now. 13. Fix the bug where variables aren't listed in the sidebar. 14. Implement correct tab completion in the worksheet when in system-other-than-sage mode (i.e., don't put magma.foo[tab]) 15. Add support for user javascript in the worksheet cells along with basic graphics (Robert Miller). See http://www.sagemath.org:9002/sage_trac/ticket/359 16. Create an option so that processes that run the actual worksheets can be started as a different user. This will be slower, but could be vastly more robust. With sufficient thought there might be a trick to implement this in a few lines of code. -- William Stein Associate Professor of Mathematics University of Washington http://www.williamstein.org --~--~---------~--~----~------------~-------~--~----~ To post to this group, send email to sage-devel@googlegroups.com To unsubscribe from this group, send email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] For more options, visit this group at http://groups.google.com/group/sage-devel URLs: http://sage.scipy.org/sage/ and http://modular.math.washington.edu/sage/ -~----------~----~----~----~------~----~------~--~---