
I think it would be extremely valuable if there were a web page that
summarized "what SAGE can do", divided into functional categories
(Arthur Gaer, the Harvard math sysadmin suggested this).
If you have time, could you visit


and add some entries that are of ** interest to you **?

In some cases, the entries should say something about how well SAGE can do
something.  E.g., instead of "SAGE can multiply two dense
matrices over GF(2)", write "SAGE can multiply two 6000x6000 dense
matrices over GF(2) in a few seconds using the method of four russians".

I'll put together a concise summary of the results for the
bottom part of the main SAGE web page.   This will server not
only as a guide to SAGE functionality, but the above page will
provide a sense of what the SAGE developers and current
SAGE users actually care the most about doing.  I.e., please don't
just copy the table of contents from the reference manual, but instead
write about specifically what interests you the most.


William Stein
Associate Professor of Mathematics
University of Washington

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