> All good points. I have a suggestion:  I think it would be worhtwhile
> to set up a pybots-like build environment (http://www.pybots.org/) for
> SAGE. Basically, pybots is a buildbot that rebuilds your project
> everytime a python checkin is made on the trunk. This way you can see
> what is breaking and correct it as soon as possible (or complain about
> it on python-dev). I think the following components would be vey good
> candidates:
> * sagex (most important, since it's a modified pyrex only being used by SAGE)
> * Ipython
> * Mercurial
> * numpy
> Thoughts? Is this overkill?
> didier

William, you submitted a request to the Student Technology Fund regarding 
something like this.  Have you heard anything about it?

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