On Saturday 31 March 2007 10:10, Pablo De Napoli wrote:
> Does Sage currently support factoring in Gaussian integers (i.e. in the
> ring
> Z[I] of complex numbers with integral real/imaginary parts)?
> I thing this would be a nice feature to have.
> In pari/gp for example this works:
> ? factor(5*I)
> %1 =
> [2 + I 1]
> [1 + 2*I 1]
> in sage
> factor(5*I)
> gives an error.

Yes, as you state, we need to have a ring of integers.  This is something I'm 
going to work on this summer.  Before I do this, I plan on spending more time 
with some basic speed benchmarking for number fields.  If you want to write a 
ring of integers class, that would be a welcome contribution.


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