There are many cases where you would *WANT* to coerce between
polynomial rings with different orderings, think:

*Q1[x,y] with grevlex for heavy duty computations
*Q2[x,y] wih elimination order for y to project on the x-line
*Q3[x,y] with elimination order for x to project on the y-line

(of course this only becomes important for higher dimensions)

You would be going back and forth between these rings all the time and
conceptually they would be representing the same ring for you - just
equipped with other algorithmic properties. Hence, in that situation
it would not be entirely undesirable to be able to coerce back and
forth between Q1, Q2, Q3 and the match-up should prefer the
corresponding names rather than the relative ordering (as far as that
even can be done).

Bases on that, I would say automatic coercion between polynomial rings
should be allowed if the names of the variables (which are
unalterable) can be matched up.

Of course that would encourage people to make the names of variables
in polynomial rings indistinguishable, which is not good, because it
then becomes harder to recognise the parent from an element
representation. I would actually be happy with virtually no automatic
coercions between polynomial rings. For any set of rules I think you
will be able to come up with an example where the system will do
something the user did *not* intend. Requiring the user to be explicit
by means of a homomorphism might avoid confusion.

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