I've posted a release candidate for sage-2.4 here:


It would be helpful if a few people would build this and, if that works,
do a "make test", and let me know what happens.   I will make an
official release sometime on Sunday.

Here's what's included:
         * m albrecht: c-library wrapper for linbox that is seperate
from main sage library.
         * m albrecht and g bard: implementation of the method of 4
           russians, i.e., fast dense echelon form and matrix
           multiplication over GF(2).
         * n alexander: misc; docstring-related things; lots of refereeing
         * b antieau: updates to programming guide
         * j bober (refereed by n alexander): improvement to
random_prime, lcm, and gcd
         * t boothby and w stein: *syntax highlighting* in the notebook,
           use div when input cell not in focus; notebook bugfixes;
           marker in title when notebook is running.
         * r bradshaw: rationals from a tuple
         * b granger: updated package: numpy and libpng
         * d harvey: optimized [n] on formal group; misc speedups and bugfixes
         * d joyner: updated sage constructions guide.
         * r miller (refereed by r bradshaw): graph plotting
improvements, digraphs
         * r miller: open source 'nauty' -- the first every open source
                     implementation of Brendan McKay's isomorphism algorithm
         * j mohler (refereed by m albrecht): poly iter, misc.; move
ntl wrapper to separate library
         * c citro, d roe, j balakrishan: misc stuff at arizona winter school
         * w stein: full text search of docs and source in notebook
(use search_src and search_doc)
         * w stein: first version of new modular abelian varieties package
         * w stein: extensive improvements to modular forms package
         * w stein: a new field, the ContinuedFractionField(), or CFF for short.
         * w stein: lots and lots of misc bugfixes and new doctests


What's not included:
     * Brian Granger's new python package -- that will have to wait
until I do more testing
     * most of the port to solaris -- again, has to wait until I have more time
     * new p-adics -- needs to be more stabilized
     * tons of code from Robert Bradshaw that's very nice, but too
hard for me to merge in.
     * some accepted patches, e.g., real algebraics, since I want to
give patch authors time to respond to referees, etc.

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