(Partial) factorization (by trial division) of p-1 is in other to make
of CRT of discrete logarithms mod m where m | p-1.

The index calculus algorithm requires a relations collection phase,
a linear algebra phase.  The linear algebra phase just requires
linear algebra over F_2 to discover squares.

Beyond the quadratic field sieve, the number field sieve and function
field sieves require more mathematics than most computer scientists,
cryptographers, or programmers possess.  Understanding of prime
ideals, class groups, unit groups, and treatment of maximal orders
not given by a power basis requires a background not typically found
in programmers.   (And those will such a background are likely to
work in industry or government, where their code is proprietary.)

Also optimization of NFS seems to be more art than science, even
if one has a working implementation.  It is NOT usually called by a
one-line call to factorization or discrete log.  Generally the
is (only?) suitable for distributed computation.  A good QFS (after
Pollard rho [and ECM for factorization problems]) should suffice
for any stand-alone system.


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